Month: September 2024

Why Schools Need a Makeover for the Innovators of Tomorrow!

Why does the education system often stifle creativity and problem-solving instead of advancing innovation and independent thinking? In a world that celebrates these qualities, it’s surprising that our schools reward obedience and conformity. Ana Lorena Fábrega’s book, The Learning Game, challenges this status quo, making a solid case for why and how

The Dawn of the 5IR: Humans and Machines, Better Together!

Did you know that our world has been driven forward by a series of advancements, each propelling us into the future? The first advancement, known as the First Industrial Revolution, was powered by steam. The second was powered by electricity, the third by computers, and the fourth by intelligent machines, robotics, and

Becoming a Human+ Worker for Jobs that Don’t Even Exist Yet

What if traditional education and high school graduation are just the starting point of your learning journey? In her book “Long Life Learning: Preparing for Jobs That Don’t Even Exist Yet,” Michelle Weise presents an inspiring vision of the future where education and work go hand in hand throughout life. As we

How Competing Values Shape Our Choices and Behaviours

Imagine standing at a busy crossroads with paths branching in every direction. Each path represents a different decision you could make: staying safe on the well-trodden path, taking a risky shortcut, or venturing down a winding route no one else has tried. This crossroads is a metaphor for our daily lives, where

Why We Learn Better When We Care?

Have you ever sat through a boring lecture or training session, dutifully taking notes, only to forget everything shortly after? It’s like being at a fancy dinner, and the chef serves a dish with all the best ingredients—but it’s bland. You poke at it, unimpressed, because despite the quality, it lacks what

Beliefs: The Invisible Architects of Our Reality!

Belief systems are like the lenses through which we view the world. Just as a pair of glasses helps someone see clearly, our beliefs shape how we interpret experiences, make decisions, and interact with others. So, they are like the invisible blueprints that shape the architecture of our lives. Just as a

A Holistic Take Crucial to Understanding Human Development!

What if we told you that our lives are complicatedly interconnected with everything around us, much like a tree in a forest? Ecological Systems Theory is not just a concept; it’s a story we all play a part in. Imagine a tree in a forest. This tree is not just isolated; it’s connected

The Art of Changing Minds in a Polarised World

In a world where opinions clash like waves against a rocky shore, the ability to change minds has become a vital skill. It’s a challenge that can feel like trying to move a mountain with a spoon—it’s slow, tedious, and often feels impossible. In his book Mindstuck: Mastering the Art of Changing

Rewrite Your Life: The Power of Personal Stories!

Are you feeling trapped in an endless cycle of repetitive days? We all have a story that we tell ourselves about who we are, what we do, and why we do it. Do you ever understand that your life story no longer aligns with your identity? Jim Loehr’s book “The Power of

Character: The Foundation of an Enduring Legacy!

Is leadership truly about power, status, and wealth, or does it hold a deeper, more profound meaning? In today’s world, many associate leadership with these external symbols of success. However, the book Leading with Character: 10 Minutes a Day to a Brilliant Legacy by Dr. Jim Loehr and Caren Kenney presents a