Category: Societal Development

Navigating A New Ethical Landscape: A Framework for Making Good Choices!

In our fast-paced world, ethical dilemmas constantly confront us, often with no clear answers in sight. As someone passionate about empowering young adults, I’ve witnessed first-hand the complexity of these issues. It’s clear that we need a fresh ethical perspective, and we need it now. Fortunately, Susan Liautaud’s book “The Power of

A Common Moral Foundation to Restore a Common Good Society!

In today’s world, which is increasingly marked by division and turmoil, the need for a common moral foundation is not just pressing, it’s urgent. As Jonathan Sacks powerfully articulates in his book “Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times,” our societies are in the midst of a values crisis. Trust is

 The Evolving Role of Business in Society: “Tomorrow’s Capitalist”!

Consider a scenario where the traditional business principles, which were primarily focused on maximising shareholder profits, are no longer adequate for thriving in the 21st century. In ‘Tomorrow’s Capitalist: My Search for the Soul of Business,’ a book by Alan Murray, a renowned business leader and the CEO of Fortune Media, explores

A World of Three Zeros: A New Economic Model Powered by Altruism!

Are we hurtling towards a future of extreme inequality and environmental devastation under our current economic system, or can we urgently steer towards a more sustainable and equitable path? In “A World of Three Zeros:The New Economics of Zero Poverty, Zero Unemployment, and Zero Net Carbon Emissions ,” Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus,

Rudder4Success Personal Development Framework

Success is not a fixed destination that we reach and forget about. It’s a continuous process that helps us unlock our full potential and create a positive impact on our lives and the world. So, true success is not just about achieving our goals, but it’s also about aligning our actions with

Mastering Social Awareness: Key Skills Needed!

In our fast-paced and ever-changing world, the ability to manage human interactions with empathy, understanding, and inclusivity cannot be overstated. Social awareness is not just a desirable skill; it’s an essential tool for success in today’s interconnected world. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply a member of society, honing your

Relationship Management: Key Skills for Success

Navigating through high school or a work career is not just about academics or your résumé; it’s about building strong relationships that can pave the way for your success, both now and in the future. Whether you’re leading a group project, resolving a disagreement, or working towards a shared goal, mastering relationship

Finding Meaning in High School: Your Path to Purposeful Learning!

High school is more than just attending classes and earning good grades; it’s a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth. This period of your life presents a unique opportunity to shape your future, akin to finding purpose in your career. Uncovering meaning in high school can profoundly influence our experiences and

Unchaining Greatness: Through Trust-and-Inspire Leadership!

Are you tired of the same old leadership books that offer a one-size-fits-all approach? Do you aspire to be a transformative leader who inspires greatness in others? If you’re ready to challenge the status quo and unlock your full leadership potential, then Stephen M.R. Covey’s ‘Trust & Inspire: How Truly Great Leaders

Corporate Culture: The Difference Between Success or Failure!

In the cut-throat and unpredictable world of modern business, a strong corporate culture can mean the difference between soaring success and crushing failure. It’s the invisible force that not only shapes the destiny of companies but also the very fabric of how people interact and work together within them. Whether you’re a