Category: Learn to Learn

Uncovering the Intricacies of Human Thought with “Thinking, Fast and Slow”!

Have you ever wondered what drives our thoughts and actions? ‘Thinking, Fast and Slow’ by Daniel Kahneman, a renowned psychologist and Nobel laureate, is not just a book; it’s a key to understanding the very essence of our decision-making processes. This literary journey is for everyone, offering profound insights into our mental

Finding Meaning in High School: Your Path to Purposeful Learning!

High school is more than just attending classes and earning good grades; it’s a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth. This period of your life presents a unique opportunity to shape your future, akin to finding purpose in your career. Uncovering meaning in high school can profoundly influence our experiences and

Learning Success Pyramid: Unlocking Your Learning Potential!

Are you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with your studies? Do you fear failure and feel the pressure of achieving good grades? Perhaps you feel like your creativity is being stifled. If you can relate to any of these concerns, then The Learning Success Pyramid is the solution you’ve been looking for. This

Responsible Decisions: Use Mental Models!

Have you ever thought about the power of our decisions? Every decision we make has the potential to impact ourselves, others, and the environment. That’s why it’s important to make responsible decisions based on our values, ethical standards, and long-term goals while prioritising integrity, accountability, and sustainability. When we make such decisions,

Rudder4Life: Our Unique Selling Proposition

In today’s competitive landscape for NGOs, where every organization is determined to make a positive impact, having a distinct and compelling brand purpose becomes critical. At Rudder4Life, we understand that a well-defined brand purpose that aligns with our values and sets us apart from the rest is what makes us stand out.

Outsmart Your Brain: Learning Principles for a Better Education

In his book, Outsmart Your Brain: Why Learning Is Hard and How You Can Make It Easy, Daniel Willingham introduces us to a new way of learning that is based on cognitive psychology principles. This guide will help you understand how your brain works and how to make the most of its

Learning to Learn: Self-Directed!

Part 4 of Learning Have you ever felt like traditional learning is like being on a train, hurtling towards a predetermined destination at breakneck speed, without any chance to stop and explore the fascinating scenery? Self-directed learning is a remedy to this educational rush; it’s like stepping off that train and onto

You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know!

This wise saying is attributed to the Greek philosopher Socrates: “You don’t know what you don’t know.” Sounds simple, right? But it’s like a hidden treasure of meaning that fits in our current super-fast world. So, let’s break down why this quote matters and why admitting that we don’t know everything is