Rudder4Life Personal Development Framework


Success is not a destination that we reach and forget about. It’s a continuous process that helps us unlock our full potential and create a positive impact on our lives and the world. So, true success is not just about achieving our goals, but it’s also about aligning our actions with our values, empowering us to evolve and explore new possibilities. That’s why we’re excited to introduce the Rudder4Life Personal Development Framework (RPDF) – a powerful tool designed to help young adults develop the skill of “Learning to be(Learn more). By developing this skill, they’ll be able to achieve ongoing self-improvement and pursue happiness, passion, and personal achievement – the true indicators of success.

The Origin of Rudder4Life Personal Development Framework (RDPF)

Daniel Kim’s Core Theory of Success (TOS) provides the base theory for the Rudder4Life Personal Development Framework.

TOS is a framework that emphasises the importance of relationships within teams, founded on the belief that this can increase team spirit, mutual respect, and trust. In turn, this enhances the quality of their thinking by considering more parts of an issue and sharing a significant number of different perspectives, leading to an increase in the quality of actions and results. Communication is the foundation of human interactions, and the theory emphasises its importance. By having an explicit theory of success, individuals can continually test the impact of planned actions and assess whether these actions have a net positive or negative effect on their overall success.

By applying these principles, we can build quality relationships, improve communication skills, and develop critical thinking abilities to make better decisions. This results in achieving great success in our personal, academic, and professional lives, and it is why we chose TOS as the foundation for developing Learning to Be.

Our Expanded Theory of Success (ETOS)

Based on TOS’s foundations, our ETOS incorporates the influence of Cognitive Behaviour Theory. It recognises the intimate connection between our thinking and feelings and how the quality of both directly shapes and influences the quality of our doing (actions). Hence, the inclusion of “quality of feelings” into our Expanded Version of Daniel Kim’s Theory Of Success:

Furthermore, our identity, being our self-concept, and self-esteem are vital in this relationship. Self-concept, reflecting our thoughts about ourselves, is synonymous with the quality of our thinking, while self-esteem, representing our feelings about ourselves, influences the quality of our emotions (Learn more…). Hence, our identity becomes the driving force behind our behaviours, leading us to realise that changing our doing (actions) demands a change in our core: changing who we are! As said by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The ancestor of every action is our thought.” So, Rudder4Life’s ETOS suggests that our identity consists of three elements: Self-concept, self-esteem and our behaviour with the latter being the only one visible to the world. This means our self concept and self-esteem are invisible to others:

To further enhance the framework, we have also incorporated the three basic human needs proposed by Self-determination Theory (SDT): autonomy, belonging, and competency (ABC). These needs are crucial because our sense of competency affects our thoughts and self-concept, while our sense of belonging influences our emotions and self-esteem. Ultimately, these factors shows in our autonomy, what we doing (actions), and our behaviour. Moreover, to satisfy our basic human needs (ABC) and develop a self-determined identity means we must also be self-motivated:

By considering these elements, we can create a comprehensive framework, the Rudder4Life Personal Development Framework, that addresses the complexity of human behaviour and helps changing who we are!

How Do We Change Identity?

Furthermore, the RPDF highlights the importance of emotional intelligence (EQ) as an agent for change and Learning to be . EQ consists of four crucial components: self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, and relationship management (Learn more…). We must first develop self-awareness and social awareness to change who we are. Thereafter, understanding and empathising with our emotions and those of others empowers us to change what we do, our behaviour.

Our feelings, self-esteem, and sense of belonging are intrinsically interconnected, and by enhancing self-awareness and social awareness, we can improve the quality of our emotions and self-esteem. This, in turn, empowers us to practice self-management, enabling us to manage and improve our relationships effectively. Changing who we are (our identity) begins with mastering our feelings and building genuine connections with others. Learn more. As Jim Rohn said, “You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.”

What’s Rudder4Life Personal Development Framework (RPDF)?

C.S. Lewis once said that a good education must be supported by values to make us better individuals. (learn more) We need a set of values to guide us in making the right choices in life. The RPDF is based on the idea that values are essential for personal growth and therefore our first building block of the framework.

Furthermore, according to self-determination theory, motivation is a crucial element of our journey towards success. Integrated motivation (IM), which is based on our values and inspires a sense of purpose, is considered to be the closest form of intrinsic motivation. It therefore serves as a fundamental building block of the RPDF, inspiring self-motivation and encouraging us to strive for competence in our thinking, belonging in our emotions, and autonomy in our actions. Ultimately, this leads to self-determination, which empowers us to develop our emotional intelligence and build quality relationships.

So, to manage our feelings, we rely on two components of EQ: self-awareness and social awareness. Conversely, we turn to the other two EQ components for controlling our behaviours: self-management and relationship management. This holistic approach considers our feelings and self-esteem as two sides of the same coin, and through self-awareness and social awareness, we nurture self-esteem and self-management, leading us to develop and sustain fulfilling relationships:


The RPDF is a life-changing process, guiding individuals to build meaningful relationships, communicate effectively, and refine their critical thinking skills. By adopting this framework, one can embark on a path of continuous growth and self-improvement, ultimately achieving great success across all aspects of life. Adopt the RPDF, and witness its remarkable impact on your personal, academic, and professional endeavours. Remember, success is not a destination but an evolving voyage of self-discovery and accomplishment.

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